A Snippet From Fan Mail

I will admit that Fan Mail is one of my favorite books, and I think what I like most about it is that it isn’t a typical thriller-crime-mystery. It certainly is a thriller and full of suspense, but there is a true coming-of-age thread embedded and running throughout the story.

Each of my books featured one or more of the Evans family of adopted boys. Each adolescent has baggage- some small, some large, and a couple of the boys baggage so large a semi has to lug it around for them. Yet, none of the boys break, though Brian, Brett, and George have come close to losing their lives. In Fan Mail, I push the envelope even more.

There are several threads running through the book. There is fan mail sent to Randy, Bobby, and Danny (not a family member, though I’ve painted the picture in each of my later books that Danny is seen and accepted as one of the family through his father’s friendship and mentorship of the Evans boys). The letters get more threatening and take a dark, if not deadly turn as you will see in the snippet below. There is also the car bomb that was set off in an earlier book, and the person who set the bomb off was never found. Could it be the same person who is sending the fan mail?

There is so much stress in the Evans family, Jeremy, the father, has a heart attack. The boys point fingers at each other and in one or two cases, as themselves as the cause. And it is this stress and strain that threatens to pull the family apart.

While Fan Mail is told through Brian’s eyes, it is the story of the Evans boys. I’ve kept it as real and as raw as I could, because I want the reader to feel what the boys feel- the good and the bad, the beauty and the ugliness, as well as the deeply embedded love they have for and share with each other. More than anything, it is this love of family that makes Fan Mail come alive.

You already know the boys receive ever threatening fan mail. In the snippet below, I’m letting the writing speak for itself.

Jeff scrubbed his hands with dish soap, the kind that is especially strong on grease. Then he ran to the bathroom and poured hydrogen peroxide on his hands, and then washed them again with soap and water.

After drying his hands, he called Brian. Trying to keep the fear and
urgency out of his voice, he asked, “Brian, has anyone gone to your mailbox and picked up the mail yet?”

Brian stood at the sink, getting ready to pack the dishwasher, and then
wash dishes and pans that wouldn’t fit. He looked over at the counter and
other places the guys put the mail, and not seeing it, he said, “I don’t think
so. At least, I don’t see any.”

“Ask the others, please.”

Brian stared at the phone, shrugged, and then said, “Guys, did anyone
get the mail yet?”

Buried in homework or helping with homework, heads shook while one
or two muttered, “No.”

“Nope. No one picked it up yet.”

George stood up from the table, went to the cupboard where the latex
gloves were, and pulled out a left and right.

“Looks like George is going to go get it.”

Almost climbing through the phone, Jeff yelled, “No! Don’t let him! No
one goes near it!”

It was so loud the guys sitting at the table looked up at Brian. George
froze where he stood.

“Eiselmann, Graff, and O’Connor are on their way. I’ll call them and
have them stop for your mail, too.”

Alarmed, Brian said, “Jeff, why? What happened? Are you and Danny

Calming some, but not much, Jeff said, “Yes, we’re fine. Just don’t go
anywhere near your mailbox.”

Cam Torrens, author of a terrific new thriller, Scorched – Burn Me Once … wrote a 5 Star Review for Fan Mail and he pretty much nailed it when he wrote: “A heart-wrenching thriller? What? Joseph Lewis knocks his latest “coming of age” novel out of the park by bringing back familiar characters and instantly thrusting them into physical and emotional jeopardy. Fan Mail is a gripping and intense thriller that follows the story of Randy, Bobby, and Danny—family, friends, and bandmates—who receive threatening letters from a devotee. The situation escalates quickly, leading to a car bomb and a heart attack that shakes their family of adopted brothers to its core. As the violence continues to escalate, the relationships between the boys become strained, with Brian flashing back to a previous incident where he almost lost his life, saving his brothers. With suspenseful and heart-pumping action, Fan Mail delves into the bonds of brotherhood, the challenges of unconventional love, the cost of loyalty, and the lengths one would go to protect their loved ones. A must-read!”

Sharon Middleton, author of the McCarron’s Corner series writes, “Tough. Gritty. Lewis cuts deep as he tackles teen sexuality questions as well as dangerous stalkers. The story explodes with tension and strength reflective of the personalities involved. Highly recommend it!” 

And Tina O’Hailey, author of Dark Drink writes, “Starts with a bang and does not stop its relentless shrapnel barrage until you are crying with the characters. Fabulous job by the author. You want to read this one.” 

For your convenience, you can find the synopsis and the purchase link for Fan Mail below.

A barrage of threatening letters, a car bomb, and a heart attack rip apart what was once a close-knit family of adopted brothers.

Randy and Bobby, along with fellow band member and best friend, Danny, receive fan mail that turns menacing. They ignore it, but to their detriment. The sender turns up the heat. Violence upends their world. It rocks the relationship between the boys and ripples through their family, nearly killing their dad.

As these boys turn on each other, adopted brother Brian flashes back to that event in Arizona where he nearly lost his life saving his brothers. The scars on his face and arms healed, but not his heart. Would he once again have to put himself in harm’s way to save them? And, if faced with that choice, will he?


As always, I’d love to hear what you have to say, so please use the comment section below. And, you can also find Fan Mail and all my other books on my website at www.jrlewisauthor.com

Thank you for following along on my writing journey. Until next time …

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