An Exciting Announcement and an Interview!

I am happy to announce that my true Author Website is being built as I write this, and it will be active next week at some point. People heading to it will be able to read the synopsis/blurb on each of my books and purchase one or more using a clickable link to Amazon. I will also use that site to announce any new books I author, and I’m more than halfway through my #10 to add to my thriller-crime-mystery collection.

But even more exciting, I am offering author services, such as proofreading and a review of your work. This is for either the novice or old pro.

As a first-time author or a multiple-book and article author, you want to put forth your work in the best possible light so it shines. Nagging mistakes, spelling errors, formatting problems and inconsistencies- all detract from a reader’s enjoyment. At best, the reader might finish reading your book, but will never buy another. At worst, the reader will not only NOT finish reading your book, but will castigate you in a review.

A. I offer Proofreading for your book at $0.01 a word, and I will:

1. Follow any style guidelines you or your publishing company provides

2. Verify basic facts and general knowledge with light research on my part

3. Correct grammar and punctuation mistakes

4. Correct errors in spacing, font, and format

5. Correct typos and spelling errors

B. I offer an honest, thorough Review of your book at a flat rate of $35, and you decide if you want me to publish it to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Goodreads. The Kindle purchase of your book is extra, but it makes it a verifiable review, and that is important for any author and their book.

These are the going rates for both services. If you are interested now rather than waiting for the website to be up and running, email me at: and let me know what you are interested in.

I was also interviewed recently on the Neil Haley Radio Show. The link to the interview are:

I hope you give it a listen and I hope you enjoy it.

As always, thank you for following along on my writing journey. I would love to hear your thoughts, so feel free to use the comment section below. Until next time …

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